“Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’” (Nehemiah 1:8-9)
The Worldwide Missions Gathering in Los Angeles was nothing short of phenomenal! With over 1,300 disciples coming together for the first time since the formation of the Restored Church Worldwide (RCW), the presence of the Spirit was obvious. Some of the highlights of the conference included the incredible appointments of the James’ and Chiapetta’s as Congregational Shepherds for the Los Angeles Church, the Fellis’ as Congregational Shepherds for the San Francisco Church, and Paco and Haley Garcia as Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader. Other highlights included the life-changing preaching from each of the keynote speakers, the 12 precious souls who were baptized throughout the weekend, and the two restorations — including the powerful restoration of our former Movement Leader, Kip McKean!

For Kelly and me, it was an action-packed week since we attended the Gathering right after our own Toronto Winter Workshop, which was, in itself, an amazing conference! After very little sleep the night before, we boarded a plane for Los Angeles on Monday morning. We were supposed to have a quick flight to Chicago, a short layover, and then another flight to Los Angeles, which would have arrived around 3:00 PM PST. However, the Lord had other plans. After sitting on the Pearson Airport tarmac for about three hours due to bad weather in Chicago, and not moving an inch, we were forced to deplane and return through the same terminal from which we had left. We then stood in line for another two hours trying to reroute our flight, and just when we reached the front, we were told the airline was no longer rescheduling flights. So, we boarded the same plane once again, heading to Chicago — despite the continuing bad weather. This time, our layover was extended to seven hours, and even then, the flight got delayed three more times. It was quite a journey, but praise God, we made it… at a very early hour the next morning!
Exhausted from the previous day’s travel, we headed into the Worldwide Staff Meeting on Tuesday morning. We were quickly refreshed by the fellowship and spirit of the disciples, especially through the incredible staff lesson preached by Jason Dimitry, titled “A Place I Have Chosen As A Dwelling For My Name!” Following our Staff Meeting, we joined our core leadership group — the Dimitrys, the Chavezes, the Pattersons, and the other Bartholomews — for lunch and a discipling time! My thoughts about our leadership group echo that of the psalmist: “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1) We finished the day at the Leadership Gala, where I had the privilege of preaching on the “Parable of the Wedding Banquet” (Matthew 22:1-14).
Early the next morning, we were supposed to hike with the rest of the RCW leadership up to Mt. Hollywood for a time of prayer. Unfortunately, due to the intense Palisades Fire sweeping through Los Angeles, Mt. Hollywood was inaccessible. So, the hike had to be canceled. I must admit, although I was looking forward to a time of prayer with the other RCW leaders, given the fatigue we were experiencing from our Winter Workshop and our travel to Los Angeles, I can’t say I was the least bit disappointed. I definitely needed the rest! We did, however, meet with several other leadership couples throughout the day, and then closed out Wednesday evening with separate Men’s and Women’s Midweek services. It was awesome!

Thursday morning began with the Church Builders Workshop, where Fernando Chavez preached a stirring lesson titled “On This Rock, I Will Build My Church.” Each of the lessons for the conference were based in the Gospels. Since we are trying to restore the first-century church in the twenty-first century, the thought was that if we want to restore the standard of the Book of Acts church in our generation, we must restore the standard that the Book of Acts church had in their generation — the standard of Jesus. The Church Builders Workshop was so inspiring, not only because of the preaching, but also because there were so many actual current and future church builders in the room!

This led into Friday evening, where the conference officially kicked off at the First General Session — and, man, did it start with a bang! First, we were able to witness our dear brother and former Movement Leader, Kip McKean, be restored to the family of God! Kip shared vulnerably about his sin and apologized with tears as he asked the church for forgiveness. Both he and his wife, Elena, expressed how deeply grateful they were for the RCW family of churches and for the chance to be numbered among us. It was extremely heartfelt and moving. Then Mike Patterson preached a fiery lesson titled “Go – Fulfilling the Great Commission!” After Kip’s restoration, I couldn’t help but think how incredible it is that “God has committed to us the message of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:19), and that we get to spread that healing message to all nations!
On Saturday morning, we were encouraged by my older (but not better-looking) brother, Kyle’s lesson, titled “In The World, But Not Of The World.” In all seriousness, I am so blessed to have an older brother in the Kingdom who is not only so gifted but also full of so much conviction! It was an awesome lesson! We then had the Men’s and Women’s Breakout Sessions, where I had the pleasure of hearing Caleb Cohen and Adam Zepeda preach in tandem a lesson titled “By The Grace of God I Am What I Am.” In the women’s session, Kelly also preached a short charge on one of Jesus’ seven “I AM” statements: “I Am The Door.” From what I heard, she did an amazing job!
Finally, we arrived at Sunday to close out the conference with our worship service! Joey and Karen Gregory shared openly and vulnerably what the cross means to them during the Communion message, and then John and Anna Malnegro gave the Contribution charge. Afterward, we heard the final sermon of the conference, preached by our new movement leader, Jason Dimitry, titled “Take Heart! I Have Overcome The World!”

In my almost 24 years as a disciple, I have honestly never been to a conference quite like this one. With so many young leaders, so zealous for God, I felt reassured that this time around, we will absolutely get the job of world evangelism done in our generation! Kelly and I flew back to Toronto the following morning, filled with joy and gratitude for what God is doing throughout the world and in the Restored Church Worldwide! As it says in Ecclesiastes, there is a time to gather stones and to scatter them (Ecclesiastes 3:5). It was great to participate in the Worldwide Missions Gathering, but we understand that now is the time to participate in the worldwide missions scattering — as we scatter seeds of God’s word throughout the nations, starting for us right here in Toronto! And to God be all the glory!
Evan Bartholomew